Minggu, 13 September 2015



 Lizards are four-legged animals, including scaly reptile group. Broadly speaking, understanding or relatives lizard lizard (English: lizards) also includes a group of lizards, geckos, chameleons, lizards fly, lizards, iguanas and others. While narrowly, in Indonesian lizard term usually refers to a limited group of lizards are generally smallish, scaly slippery shiny, and live on the ground (Ingg .: skink, Scincidae tribe, or generally members infraordo Scincomorpha).

So, in general, these lizards include the types smallish like lygosoma sand lizards, up to the Komodo dragon (Varanus) that can reach a length of more than 3 m. Scientifically, it is known as a large group or nation Lacertilia suborder (= Sauria), part of the nation scaly animals (Squamata).

Lacertilia nation's children generally have four legs, external ear canal, and the eyelids can open the lid. However, as an exception, there are members who do not have most of the characteristics. An example is the 'snake' glass (glass snake or glass lizard, tribal Anguidae) are legless.


 In addition to the characters mentioned above, as galibnya reptiles, lizards are cold-blooded (that's why the lizard is often sunbathing) and has a range of scales that form awakened from horn substance. Consist of no less than 40 parts, the lizard has a pattern of colors, shapes and sizes are very diverse. Most types have smooth scales shiny, slick or oily impressed, even though the scales were very dry as a lizard does not have pores in the skin to sweat or oil.

Most lizards lay eggs (oviparous), although some are of childbearing (viviparous). Also, generally lizards can regrow tails or limbs severed.

Some species of legless lizard, snake-like glass for example, has a wrist shoulder and pelvic structures in the body, although no legs. Although it looks like, lizards can be distinguished from true snakes because they have movable eyelids, external ear canal, and can decide its tail in danger; traits not possessed by the serpent.

Many types of lizards are a good tree climber or sprinter. Some of them can even be run over two legs with very quickly, as well as the world's fastest lizard: thorn-tailed iguana of the genus Ctenosaura.

Certain lizards, such as the chameleon, can change color according to environmental conditions or mood. Although most live on the mainland, mostly lizards can swim well. Some species, such as lizards, and even adapt well in an aquatic environment.

 Habitat and Food

 Most lizards live on the ground (terrestrial), while partially infiltrated life in loose soil or sand (fossorial). Some were hanging around the top or in the trunk of the tree (arboreal). Rather than as an ambush predator, most lizards actively exploring its surroundings for prey.

Although most species are predators (predator), but in fact very varied lizard food. Ranging from fruit and other plant materials, insects, amphibians, other reptiles, small mammals, carrion, even such a big lizard Komodo dragons can also hunt large mammals, as large as deer or wild boar.

Smallish lizards eat a variety of insects such as mosquitoes, flies, moths and butterflies, a variety of insect larvae, earthworms, to frogs and other reptiles were smaller. Garden lizard (Mabuya multifasciata) sometimes prey on the moor frog (Fejervarya limnocharis), even to climb the rough wall to catch common house gecko (Hemidactylus frenatus) were terlengah.

 Venomous lizards

 Up to now there are two kinds of lizard whose bite proved venomous: the lizard Gila monster and the Mexican beaded lizard. Both types of lizards that are related are living in southwestern United States and northern Mexico. Although there are many myths and legends that circulate concerning both the creature and the fact that their bites can cause serious injuries, but so far no record of deaths that occur in humans as a result of the bite.

Research in Australia has recently  showed the possibility of some kind of lizard relatives iguanas and lizards can also have glands. Although, if the allegations are true, this is believed to be little or no harm to humans, given that this can be issued lizards are little by little through the process of chewing the prey, and not injected at once in large numbers as the venomous snake bites.

Previously it was believed that the swelling and irritation caused by the bite of lizards it is due to a bacterial infection that accompanies bites. It is still true in most cases, but the above study suggests the possibility of swelling that can occur as a result of the inclusion of a lizard. Furthermore, experts who support this research invites to revisit the classification system, especially related to lizards could gland development in the reptiles. If successful, this research could improve understanding of the evolution of lizards, snakes and venom.

Lizards and humans

 Most lizards are harmless to humans. The bite, in fact, rarely are to be able to drain the blood from the wound caused. Just the kind of enormous, like the Komodo dragon, which can kill humans and livestock. Gila monster lizard and the Mexican beaded lizards are venomous not always lethal, although the wounds caused by the bite can be very painful. Lizards generally useful even for humans because the control of various pests that interfere; high value as a pet (pet); produce leather for various forms of crafts; and some are edible.
Lizards are also important in some cultures and mythology traditional tribes, for example in Australia and Peru. Not surprisingly, the lizard is often etched into the symbols of the traditional arts.
Some people believe that the lizard meat can be used as skin pain medication and others. Lizards (usually garden lizard, gecko or lizard) arrested or dikail by using bait dragonfly or butterfly. After cleaning, lizard meat grilled or fried and used as a side dish to eat.
Bedouin Arabs used to eat a kind of lizard herbivores that Dhab, meat and considered as an alternative source of protein and they can show you how to kill it, skin very hard often used by them as well.

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