Minggu, 13 September 2015

Complete Guide Tips and How to Take Care (Maintain) Angora Cats Good

                  Complete Guide Tips and How to Take Care (Maintain) Angora Cats Good

Complete Guide Tips and How to Take Care (Maintain) Good Angora cat - Angora cat is a small animal carnivorous species which is a kind of cat that became popular pet Persian cat breed apart at this point. A long-haired breed of cat but basanya only in certain parts only. These animals come from the city of angora, Turkey. For more details, please first read the previous article on "Angora Cat: Know History (origins) Angora Cat And Character".

If so, please continue reading this article carefully !. Because these cats tend to long pile of ordinary cat and also not from the state of Indonesia, perhaps you will see little difference in treatment Angora cat in this article. In principle, how to care for Angora cats are similar or almost the same as taking care of the cat Persian cat.
Why is that ??? Because the Angora cat and persian pick some similarities in morphology, particularly on the animal fur. I hope you have understood this will masala, now please see the tips and how to care Angora cat below.
Tips and How to Take Care (Maintain) Angora Cats Good:
I. Tips and How to Care Cats Angora The New Up At home
The first time the cat got home, the cat will experience may be regarded as a time of a daze. It will usually show normal behavior, as a result of the change of the environment to the new environment, namely, your home. Angora need longer to adapt to its environment to get used to. Bebereapa kemngkinan that can occur when a new cat to home:
1. The lack of PD (Confidence) or stress for a while
2. Her appetite is reduced
3. Like hide, such as fear so ..
4. When approached, away
5. It would be revolted if held
6. etc.
But you do not need are concerned, because the Angora cats, including animals adaptable, making it easy to angora overcome it. And things above normal occurred in new animals. To help the cat to adapt, there are several things you can do, namely:
1. Place your cat in a cage that is safe and convenient location

2. Keep food and drinks are always available within the enclosure.

3. Provide a special sand cat in a cage, which is placed in the box.

4. Give the cat's affection and tenderness, as well as doing frequent interaction full of tenderness with your pet it.
Note: to feed, it is better not to be replaced first. Or it could also provide food that is given at the previous spot. Rare-expected by following the above steps, it can help the cat to adapt to the new environment.
II. Angora Cat Supplies
Attachments can function as a support in perwatan Angora cat for better, and also as a garnish for mempercatik cage. Beberpa the following equipment, among others:
1. Cage, let the enclosure can make a cat feel safe and comfortable to express natural behavior. Does not have to be that expensive, if the cheaper the better why guns? But if you want to be too expensive, but the principle of security da forget to watch for. If you do not want to pay too much for the cage, you can create your own. To invoke the cat cage yourself, please read the previous article on "Guide How to Make Your Own Cool Cat Cage".
2. Place the cat food, has been widely available in Petshop. If and want saving can also use bowls.
3. Place drink
4. Sandbox and special sand cat
5. sieves, serves to separate dirt and sand cat. So that the atmosphere of the enclosure is kept clean and frugal.
III. Changing the way Angora Cat Food
In the period of adaptation, meaning that your new cat adoption. Let's not change the brand of food in advance, meaning the use of food provided at the old place in cats tersebu for several days. Here's the procedure to replace the cat food from the old to the new one:
1. 1-2 days a mixture of 30% new food meals, 70% old food
2. 3-5 days a mixture of 50% new food meals, 50% old food
3. 6-7 days of food mixture of 70% new food to 30% old food
4. 7 days and above, only give 100% new food.
If the cat is not impaired such as diarrhea and vomiting, the new feeding can be continued.
IV. How to Save Angora Cat Food
Good feed storage method can maintain feed quality in the long term. Errors in the feed storage, can cause cat quality that contribute to the health problems of cats. Here are some actions that can mengurasngi or overcome the damage to the feed:
1. Storage try to always dry, because the humid conditions trigger pertumbuahan and development of fungi and bacteria that are pathogens that can cause health problems if consumed cats.
2. Usahakantempat always clean and closed storage. To prevent contamination by microorganisms that can damage the quality of the feed, both physically and nutrient levels.
3. Avoid storing feed from direct sun contact. To prevent undesirable reactions in food that cause damage to the feed.
4. If you can save the cat food in a special refrigerator, do not mix well with our food. Cat food store in kuclkas can inhibit the growth of microorganisms, so as to help the durability of food and maintain nutritional quality.
V. How Angora Cat Bathing
Bathing a cat, possibly including the boring stuff for some cat lovers. However, such action is very great contribution towards health, because memndikan cats can kill bacteria, fungi and parasites agent attached to the surface of the cat's body.
But do not also bathe the cat too often, two weeks is enough to clean the cat. Mandikanlah cat on the good that is between the hours of 9:00 to 15:00. Do not do the cold temperatures for example in the morning or in the condition it was raining. For steps and more profound, please read the previous article on "Guide How Bathing Cats Professionally"
VI. Problems Disease In Angora Kuing
For the problem of disease in Angora, not all health problems requires you to take her medicine animals, except for certain diseases that are not possible for you to overcome. Diseases that may be able to correct yourself for example fleas, fungus and other parasitic diseases that have not been classified as severe.

You can overcome the disease by using products that are effective for the disease, usually already widely available in pet shops. By overcoming yourself, you can save maintenance costs Angora. And also, frequently consulted to senior or Veterinarian to add your insight in the Angora cats.
VII. Schedule Dispensing Worm
Drug delivery worms can be done 2 to 4 times a year, but cats are often played outside the home should pemberinnya more often. However, as a safety measure, you should consult a veterinarian, because of errors in pembaerian worming can be risky to cats.
VIII. Routine schedule of Caring Cats Angora
1. Morning and afternoon (every day): feeding and drinking
2. Morning and afternoon (every day): clean the cat litter
3. Bathing cats: Once 2 weeks
4. Grooming kesalon: once a month
5. Wash the cage: once a week
IX. Cage and equipment washing
Washing cages and equipment is an action that can prevent cats from various seragan disease agents, mejaga cats and environmental hygiene, avoiding the unpleasant smell etc. The old ones are not discarded can generate ammonia in a cage, high levels of ammonia in the cages can interfere with breathing cat.

Always pay attention to hygiene should cats and cat cage in order to stay healthy so that growth and development can be sped up to par. Steps you can do is first, first clean the cage and perlegkapannya, then washing and drying it in the sun. If it is deemed dry, spray Kandan and equipment before using a disinfectant solution to ensure sterility cages and equipment before. Make sure the cats not be in a cage, when you memlakukan perbersihan and washing.

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