Minggu, 13 September 2015



 Lizards are four-legged animals, including scaly reptile group. Broadly speaking, understanding or relatives lizard lizard (English: lizards) also includes a group of lizards, geckos, chameleons, lizards fly, lizards, iguanas and others. While narrowly, in Indonesian lizard term usually refers to a limited group of lizards are generally smallish, scaly slippery shiny, and live on the ground (Ingg .: skink, Scincidae tribe, or generally members infraordo Scincomorpha).

So, in general, these lizards include the types smallish like lygosoma sand lizards, up to the Komodo dragon (Varanus) that can reach a length of more than 3 m. Scientifically, it is known as a large group or nation Lacertilia suborder (= Sauria), part of the nation scaly animals (Squamata).

Lacertilia nation's children generally have four legs, external ear canal, and the eyelids can open the lid. However, as an exception, there are members who do not have most of the characteristics. An example is the 'snake' glass (glass snake or glass lizard, tribal Anguidae) are legless.


 In addition to the characters mentioned above, as galibnya reptiles, lizards are cold-blooded (that's why the lizard is often sunbathing) and has a range of scales that form awakened from horn substance. Consist of no less than 40 parts, the lizard has a pattern of colors, shapes and sizes are very diverse. Most types have smooth scales shiny, slick or oily impressed, even though the scales were very dry as a lizard does not have pores in the skin to sweat or oil.

Most lizards lay eggs (oviparous), although some are of childbearing (viviparous). Also, generally lizards can regrow tails or limbs severed.

Some species of legless lizard, snake-like glass for example, has a wrist shoulder and pelvic structures in the body, although no legs. Although it looks like, lizards can be distinguished from true snakes because they have movable eyelids, external ear canal, and can decide its tail in danger; traits not possessed by the serpent.

Many types of lizards are a good tree climber or sprinter. Some of them can even be run over two legs with very quickly, as well as the world's fastest lizard: thorn-tailed iguana of the genus Ctenosaura.

Certain lizards, such as the chameleon, can change color according to environmental conditions or mood. Although most live on the mainland, mostly lizards can swim well. Some species, such as lizards, and even adapt well in an aquatic environment.

 Habitat and Food

 Most lizards live on the ground (terrestrial), while partially infiltrated life in loose soil or sand (fossorial). Some were hanging around the top or in the trunk of the tree (arboreal). Rather than as an ambush predator, most lizards actively exploring its surroundings for prey.

Although most species are predators (predator), but in fact very varied lizard food. Ranging from fruit and other plant materials, insects, amphibians, other reptiles, small mammals, carrion, even such a big lizard Komodo dragons can also hunt large mammals, as large as deer or wild boar.

Smallish lizards eat a variety of insects such as mosquitoes, flies, moths and butterflies, a variety of insect larvae, earthworms, to frogs and other reptiles were smaller. Garden lizard (Mabuya multifasciata) sometimes prey on the moor frog (Fejervarya limnocharis), even to climb the rough wall to catch common house gecko (Hemidactylus frenatus) were terlengah.

 Venomous lizards

 Up to now there are two kinds of lizard whose bite proved venomous: the lizard Gila monster and the Mexican beaded lizard. Both types of lizards that are related are living in southwestern United States and northern Mexico. Although there are many myths and legends that circulate concerning both the creature and the fact that their bites can cause serious injuries, but so far no record of deaths that occur in humans as a result of the bite.

Research in Australia has recently  showed the possibility of some kind of lizard relatives iguanas and lizards can also have glands. Although, if the allegations are true, this is believed to be little or no harm to humans, given that this can be issued lizards are little by little through the process of chewing the prey, and not injected at once in large numbers as the venomous snake bites.

Previously it was believed that the swelling and irritation caused by the bite of lizards it is due to a bacterial infection that accompanies bites. It is still true in most cases, but the above study suggests the possibility of swelling that can occur as a result of the inclusion of a lizard. Furthermore, experts who support this research invites to revisit the classification system, especially related to lizards could gland development in the reptiles. If successful, this research could improve understanding of the evolution of lizards, snakes and venom.

Lizards and humans

 Most lizards are harmless to humans. The bite, in fact, rarely are to be able to drain the blood from the wound caused. Just the kind of enormous, like the Komodo dragon, which can kill humans and livestock. Gila monster lizard and the Mexican beaded lizards are venomous not always lethal, although the wounds caused by the bite can be very painful. Lizards generally useful even for humans because the control of various pests that interfere; high value as a pet (pet); produce leather for various forms of crafts; and some are edible.
Lizards are also important in some cultures and mythology traditional tribes, for example in Australia and Peru. Not surprisingly, the lizard is often etched into the symbols of the traditional arts.
Some people believe that the lizard meat can be used as skin pain medication and others. Lizards (usually garden lizard, gecko or lizard) arrested or dikail by using bait dragonfly or butterfly. After cleaning, lizard meat grilled or fried and used as a side dish to eat.
Bedouin Arabs used to eat a kind of lizard herbivores that Dhab, meat and considered as an alternative source of protein and they can show you how to kill it, skin very hard often used by them as well.

Complete Guide Tips and How to Take Care (Maintain) Angora Cats Good

                  Complete Guide Tips and How to Take Care (Maintain) Angora Cats Good

Complete Guide Tips and How to Take Care (Maintain) Good Angora cat - Angora cat is a small animal carnivorous species which is a kind of cat that became popular pet Persian cat breed apart at this point. A long-haired breed of cat but basanya only in certain parts only. These animals come from the city of angora, Turkey. For more details, please first read the previous article on "Angora Cat: Know History (origins) Angora Cat And Character".

If so, please continue reading this article carefully !. Because these cats tend to long pile of ordinary cat and also not from the state of Indonesia, perhaps you will see little difference in treatment Angora cat in this article. In principle, how to care for Angora cats are similar or almost the same as taking care of the cat Persian cat.
Why is that ??? Because the Angora cat and persian pick some similarities in morphology, particularly on the animal fur. I hope you have understood this will masala, now please see the tips and how to care Angora cat below.
Tips and How to Take Care (Maintain) Angora Cats Good:
I. Tips and How to Care Cats Angora The New Up At home
The first time the cat got home, the cat will experience may be regarded as a time of a daze. It will usually show normal behavior, as a result of the change of the environment to the new environment, namely, your home. Angora need longer to adapt to its environment to get used to. Bebereapa kemngkinan that can occur when a new cat to home:
1. The lack of PD (Confidence) or stress for a while
2. Her appetite is reduced
3. Like hide, such as fear so ..
4. When approached, away
5. It would be revolted if held
6. etc.
But you do not need are concerned, because the Angora cats, including animals adaptable, making it easy to angora overcome it. And things above normal occurred in new animals. To help the cat to adapt, there are several things you can do, namely:
1. Place your cat in a cage that is safe and convenient location

2. Keep food and drinks are always available within the enclosure.

3. Provide a special sand cat in a cage, which is placed in the box.

4. Give the cat's affection and tenderness, as well as doing frequent interaction full of tenderness with your pet it.
Note: to feed, it is better not to be replaced first. Or it could also provide food that is given at the previous spot. Rare-expected by following the above steps, it can help the cat to adapt to the new environment.
II. Angora Cat Supplies
Attachments can function as a support in perwatan Angora cat for better, and also as a garnish for mempercatik cage. Beberpa the following equipment, among others:
1. Cage, let the enclosure can make a cat feel safe and comfortable to express natural behavior. Does not have to be that expensive, if the cheaper the better why guns? But if you want to be too expensive, but the principle of security da forget to watch for. If you do not want to pay too much for the cage, you can create your own. To invoke the cat cage yourself, please read the previous article on "Guide How to Make Your Own Cool Cat Cage".
2. Place the cat food, has been widely available in Petshop. If and want saving can also use bowls.
3. Place drink
4. Sandbox and special sand cat
5. sieves, serves to separate dirt and sand cat. So that the atmosphere of the enclosure is kept clean and frugal.
III. Changing the way Angora Cat Food
In the period of adaptation, meaning that your new cat adoption. Let's not change the brand of food in advance, meaning the use of food provided at the old place in cats tersebu for several days. Here's the procedure to replace the cat food from the old to the new one:
1. 1-2 days a mixture of 30% new food meals, 70% old food
2. 3-5 days a mixture of 50% new food meals, 50% old food
3. 6-7 days of food mixture of 70% new food to 30% old food
4. 7 days and above, only give 100% new food.
If the cat is not impaired such as diarrhea and vomiting, the new feeding can be continued.
IV. How to Save Angora Cat Food
Good feed storage method can maintain feed quality in the long term. Errors in the feed storage, can cause cat quality that contribute to the health problems of cats. Here are some actions that can mengurasngi or overcome the damage to the feed:
1. Storage try to always dry, because the humid conditions trigger pertumbuahan and development of fungi and bacteria that are pathogens that can cause health problems if consumed cats.
2. Usahakantempat always clean and closed storage. To prevent contamination by microorganisms that can damage the quality of the feed, both physically and nutrient levels.
3. Avoid storing feed from direct sun contact. To prevent undesirable reactions in food that cause damage to the feed.
4. If you can save the cat food in a special refrigerator, do not mix well with our food. Cat food store in kuclkas can inhibit the growth of microorganisms, so as to help the durability of food and maintain nutritional quality.
V. How Angora Cat Bathing
Bathing a cat, possibly including the boring stuff for some cat lovers. However, such action is very great contribution towards health, because memndikan cats can kill bacteria, fungi and parasites agent attached to the surface of the cat's body.
But do not also bathe the cat too often, two weeks is enough to clean the cat. Mandikanlah cat on the good that is between the hours of 9:00 to 15:00. Do not do the cold temperatures for example in the morning or in the condition it was raining. For steps and more profound, please read the previous article on "Guide How Bathing Cats Professionally"
VI. Problems Disease In Angora Kuing
For the problem of disease in Angora, not all health problems requires you to take her medicine animals, except for certain diseases that are not possible for you to overcome. Diseases that may be able to correct yourself for example fleas, fungus and other parasitic diseases that have not been classified as severe.

You can overcome the disease by using products that are effective for the disease, usually already widely available in pet shops. By overcoming yourself, you can save maintenance costs Angora. And also, frequently consulted to senior or Veterinarian to add your insight in the Angora cats.
VII. Schedule Dispensing Worm
Drug delivery worms can be done 2 to 4 times a year, but cats are often played outside the home should pemberinnya more often. However, as a safety measure, you should consult a veterinarian, because of errors in pembaerian worming can be risky to cats.
VIII. Routine schedule of Caring Cats Angora
1. Morning and afternoon (every day): feeding and drinking
2. Morning and afternoon (every day): clean the cat litter
3. Bathing cats: Once 2 weeks
4. Grooming kesalon: once a month
5. Wash the cage: once a week
IX. Cage and equipment washing
Washing cages and equipment is an action that can prevent cats from various seragan disease agents, mejaga cats and environmental hygiene, avoiding the unpleasant smell etc. The old ones are not discarded can generate ammonia in a cage, high levels of ammonia in the cages can interfere with breathing cat.

Always pay attention to hygiene should cats and cat cage in order to stay healthy so that growth and development can be sped up to par. Steps you can do is first, first clean the cage and perlegkapannya, then washing and drying it in the sun. If it is deemed dry, spray Kandan and equipment before using a disinfectant solution to ensure sterility cages and equipment before. Make sure the cats not be in a cage, when you memlakukan perbersihan and washing.

Sabtu, 12 September 2015

Breeding Betta fish (Betta Splendens sp.)

                                         Breeding Betta fish (Betta Splendens sp.)

 Who does not know betta fish? Small fish are very popular among hobbyists has its own charm. In the market there are two types namely betta betta fighting fish and Betta. Betta varieties known by the scientific name of Siamese fighting fish. While Hickey complaints there are various varieties, among others peaceful betta, betta rubra, betta unimacullata, etc. But we will discuss about livestock Betta. Distinguishing Betta and Betta contest is easy. Namely by looking at the physical appearance of the fish.

Betta fish have fins and tails are beautiful colorful. Betta does not have long tails because today is born a new strain of the type of plaque. Hickey types of plaque seemingly similar to hickey complaints but has a body shape more beautiful and brilliant color. Hickey complaints in general have physical characteristics with a less attractive body shape and usually dark.

Prospects Betta fish as ornamental fish every day is enormous demand for ornamental fish is quite significant. The audience not only among small children as the days of our grandparents were kids. Betta fish are now popular with many people of different ages, classes and all walks of segmentation of society. Marketing is relatively easy because the demand for fish continues to flow. As well as the type of Betta also are numerous, ranging from the type slayer, serit (crown tail), halfmoon, double tail / forked, to the type of plaque. Betta fish has its own place among lovers of ornamental fish. Keep in mind that this fish knows no season like fish louhan, discus, tetra, etc.

The current economic crisis also requires us to rack my brain to look for additional income. One alternative is to become a breeder iakn hickey. This work may seem trivial to you. However, if it dealt with seriously and perseverance, you will get the results did not disappoint. Betta fish of the genus is a close relative of the carp because the order yankni order labyrinth. Betta fish have the ability to take a breath directly onto the surface of the water. It is thanks to the organ called the labyrinth that is in gill iakan hickey.

 Actually raising Hickey is easy there are several steps that must be taken to an advanced a successful breeder. The following stages of the process of breeding betta fish until the sales process.

1. Selection of the parent
Holding elections is the most important and decisive stage in the breeding process. Because the quality of breeders will produce quality puppies anyway. Based on the author's experience in selecting prospective parent should be done on the fish over the age of eight months. For fish that have been aged eight months have sexual maturity perfectly. The sex organs of fish can produce gonads and sperm quality. It is better if the breeding females will spawn is a female who is a virgin or has never spawn.

For approximately ten years in the ins and outs of ornamental fish, the writer found that the quality of breeders who only produces 70% of saplings quality as well. Therefore do not play in the selection of candidates for broodstock. Good breeders are breeders who have been sexually mature so the hatching success rate and the number could reach 80% -90%. Jikia done carelessly holding elections then we will receive the results of which will also be very unsatisfactory.

Here are the characteristics breeders are good and ready to mate:
a. Stud
1) It has reached the age of eight months. Can be characterized by size already exceeds six centimeters. Or see the base of the tail muscular.
2) Have a good physical shape.
3) Have a mental bold.
4) Have a bright and brilliant colors.
5) often makes bubbles on the water surface.
6) The movements are flirtatious when he saw a female betta

b. female
1) reaches the age of eight months cuku. Characterized by belly fat.
2) Have a good physical shape.
3) It has a bright color and bold fins.
4) The body of the fish change color to transparent stripes like a zebra.
5) White spots on the abdomen which menjendol sign egg ready to be fertilized.

Most breeders beginners are often unable to distinguish between males with females. The breeder so often happens mixing fish of the same sex. Of course this will result in the fish will fight so that the tail becomes damaged. Actually it is easy to differentiate males with females. Hickey females have less attractive body shape and not symmetrical; tail betta females are also less attractive and short; female betta color less bright when compared with male betta. Hickey stud instead and had a long tail and a beautiful and brilliant color.

The author also prohibit novice breeders to not marry a fish of the same parent. This will produce seedlings that are genetically defective and the resulting color is usually not beautiful. This genetic defect caused by a genetic defect caused by the collection arrives chromosome. If sires originate from one parent, the chromosomes will gather in the end all birth defects that may exist will be deployed in puppies. Going sires should come from a different parent. Better yet, if you do the cross-breeding of other types and colors.

2. Preparation of spawning

After the election will undergo sires we also harsu prepare candidates with good breeding. So that later when the fish are already mated to spawn successfully and without interruption. Selected breeders should be separated and given special treatment. The most important is to provide a nutritious feed supplement for broodstock hickey. Breeder also have to prepare a place that would be a place to spawn.

Many objects can be used as a container for spawning. The most effective and well is to use because we can memantu aquarium fish activity from various angles. Regarding the size of the tank will be used actually no gold standard. The authors recommend a minimum size using ukurang aquarium 30x40x30 (LxWxH). Size is not too wide nor too narrow. Fiber containers such as tubs, drums, or gallons former can also be used.

The stud we put in the tank for one week and given feed mosquito larvae. Perform these treatments for one week until the male lust marked with flirtatious movements and removing the foam. Female fish before the mating process given feed mosquito larvae to accelerate the maturation of the egg. Warning not to feed silk worms provide to the breeders who are being prepared. High fat content will make it difficult for fish when issuing eggs. It is feared that the hatching success rate will be reduced.

Make sure also sires in a healthy state characterized by the agile movement and a high appetite. To prevent disease prevention to give methyl blue dripping into the aquarium. Aquarium which will be used should also be clean both fungi and bacteria that can carry the disease in children hickey.

3. The process of spawning

If both prospective breeders breeders are given special treatment, the spawning can be done. Actually there is no standard time period to prepare prospective sires. If it already looks ready for spawning should be done immediately. Males are placed in a spawning tank when it formed foam where lay her eggs are done spawning. But we can not directly enter into the female betta aquarium. Betta fish should humans also need to approach / matchmaking. Matchmaking is done in order to direct the fish mating. Most fish are not joodoh will fight each other and spawning will fail.

Matchmaking process is intended that each can know their partner. Pairing can be done by inserting the female into the jar or bottle. Then the jar or bottle is inserted into the aquarium stud. Let males and females observed the females looked at each other. If each showing a positive reaction, where the stud will waddle female flirty and change color to sepertii zebra. Female fish may soon be released slowly into the container.

Males will approach the female and danced in front of the female betta. Hickey females respond to the seduction by walking lazily and follow the direction in which the male swim. If the time is right then the males would invite females to mate. Usually mating occurs during the cold time. According to the experience during the marriage occurred in the morning between the hours of 07:00 to 10:00 and in the afternoon at 2:00 p.m. to 17:00. previously we also have to provide facilities where male lay their eggs. We can use banana leaves or small cut cassava leaves. The media should float as a foam will be released by males. The authors do not recommend using aquatic plants because it will be difficult for males to collect eggs.

Mating occurs when males females clinging to form a ball. After the second ball curled shape of this fish will be weak for some time. Females emit white eggs on the abdomen small size of sand. That's when the male sperm to fertilize the egg out of the. Once issued the female egg is able to issue a fifteen eggs. The males then swiftly picking up the eggs that fall using his mouth, gently and lovingly. Then the eggs are laid in the foam that has been prepared on the stud. The eggs will be embedded and stored in the foam of the stud. This event will take place several times for a few minutes until the female eventually run out of eggs in her stomach.

Typically when the process of mating the females often mamakan their own eggs. Therefore provide adequate feed in the aquarium in the form of mosquito larvae or silk worms. This is to reduce the cannibalistic nature of breeding females. After the marriage process was marked by the expulsion of the female mating region. Males readily dispel the female not to eat eggs that have been neatly between the foam nest. This is where your role as a breeder to remove the female from the aquarium. Do it slowly and do not cause big ripples that can damage the foam nest. Once appointed the female can be rested elsewhere and given adequate food.

Females who have been married can be used up to twice spawning back. This is because females are mated many times (up to four) will experience a decrease in egg quality. The quantity and quality of the eggs will be reduced so that will hurt us as a breeder. Hatching success rate also declined because it is the first of the best eggs. Unused after the female should not be discarded. For most of the top breeder females is the key to getting a hickey superior quality. They usually throw a female who had been discharged for a meal or fish arowana lou han. The goal is to menjaa quality and competition with other breeders. Later the breeder fish produced no equal and ends on the presence of fish stocks affecting the selling price in the market of ornamental fish.

4. Enlargement children
After the mating process passed and the mother was removed from the aquarium. Now the task of the stud to keep her until they hatch. The males will continue to stand vigil under the foam nests containing eggs. Males will also be picking up the eggs that fall and put back in the nest foam. This male behavior contrary to his attitude towards other hickey. Adult betta fish is known as scrappy. Abroad betta fish known as fish alias fighter fighting fish.

Three days post-mating the eggs will turn into a hickey. Originally white eggs will have an eye, then its tail formed and on the third day hickey children (seed) is formed. The fry can not swim well. Often picking stud puppies swim too far from the nest. Males will keep until the fry are able to swim alone. When visible seed has been able to swim the stud removed from the aquarium. Furthermore rest stud.

In the first week of seed does not need to be fed because they still have food reserves of the egg yolk. Furthermore fry fed with food that is small for the size of his mouth.

5. Feeding
The process of providing a very important stage because it determines the survival of chicks. When the three-day-old egg sac which is owned by the seed begins to run out. So that the seed will need a supply of food. Usually breeders give the feed with Artemia salina flour. But the author used to use water fleas fine obtained by culturing own. The result fry will quickly grow larger. There are even some breeders give the feed with boiled egg yolk. Egg yolks will be destroyed by water so that the seed will devour the egg yolks.

Once large enough baby fish can be fed choke or silk worms. Each feed has its own advantages and disadvantages of each.

a. silk worm / worm tubifex
This feed includes highly favored by the fish. Hickey who frequently consume silk worms become very rapid growth. Silk worms have a very high fat content. Risks that may arise is obesity on the hickey. For female betta too much eating worms lay eggs resulted difficult. Silk worms are usually obtained from the gutter flowing. Therefore before being given to the fish we should be cleaned and given antibiotics.

b. choke
Feed which is a subsidiary of mosquitoes. Ncuk has a high protein content. Cuk very well to brighten the color and ripen hickey breeding female egg cell. Cuk is also very easy to get around our environment. Unfortunately choke also invites germs caused by adult mosquitoes. Cuk who had stooped should not be given to the hickey because of its nutrient content is reduced.

c. water fleas
water fleas belonging to the family of microscopic shrimp-udngan very often found in stagnant water. Water fleas will be easily found in waters containing algae and algae. Provision of water fleas can widen our favorite fish fins.

6. Sorting
After the fish berubuh one and a half months to do the sorting. The fish are sorted is the stud of good quality. Quality fish characterized by a proportionate physical form, fin width, brilliant color. Sorting process aims to fin fish are not damaged by fighting. Selnjutnya betta aquarium can be placed pad solitary ukurang 15x15x20. if there is no aquarium it can use jam jars or bottles of mineral water.

Sorting is done slowly so that chicks do not experience stress. Separate the males are of good quality and poor-quality stud. Later this classification will determine the selling price of fish. The more quality then the price will also be more expensive in Angan. Female fish do not need to be sorted. They can be collected together in one container. Sorting female fish is done when we will prepare the parent.



                                                         PYTHON RETICULUS


Python reticulatus or batik python snake is a kind of tribal Pythonidae large and has a body size of the longest among other snakes. The biggest size is said to exceed 8.5 meters and the longest snake in dunia.Lebih length of the anaconda (Eunectes), the largest and longest snake in South America. Other names are pythons; boa; rice-n-etem (Simeulue); snake petola (Ambon); and in English reticulated python or often abbreviated retics. While previous scientific name is Python reticulatus, now converted into Malayopython reticulatus genus.

 Python reticulatus is easily recognizable because it is generally a big man. Family python (Pythonidae) relatively easily distinguished from other snakes by looking dorsal scales are more than 45 series, and scales ventralnya narrower than the width of the lower side of his body. In western Indonesia, there are three short fat-bodied species of snake that group peraca (Python Curtus group: P. Curtus, P. and P. brongersmai breitensteini) in Sumatra, Borneo and the Malay Peninsula.

Two other species that are relatively long-bodied, solid muscular: P. molurus (python bodo) and M. reticulatus. Both spread from Asia to the Great Sunda, including Java. P. molurus has a tread pattern that is different from reticulatus, especially with the big V dark pattern on its head. Python reticulatus has a pattern of circles shaped nets (reticula, nets), composed of the colors black, brown, yellow and white along the dorsal side of his body. A thin black line running over the head from nose to nape, resembling the center line that divides the two right-left symmetrically head. And each of the other black lines thicker located on each side of the head, passing through the eye to the rear.

The scales of the dorsal (back) are arranged in rows 70-80; scales ventral (belly) of 297-332 pieces, from the bottom of the neck down to the anus; subkaudal scales (under the tail) 75-102 pairs. Rostral shield (scales at the tip of the snout) and four shields supralabial (scales on the upper lip) cutting edge has a groove (gap) detection of heat (heat sensor pits) (Tweedie, 1983).

Biology and distribution
Python reticulatus counted longest snake in the world. Confirmed longest snake measuring 6.95 m in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan [1] while the maximum recorded weight was 158 kg (347.6 lbs). Snake pythons including long-lived, up to more than 25 years.

The snakes females have larger bodies. If the male has started mating in body length of about 7-9 feet, the new female at about 11 feet long. Reached sexual maturity between the ages of 2-4 years.

The mating season lasts from September to March in Asia. Reduced length of daylight and decreasing air temperature is the driving factor that stimulates the mating season. However, this season can vary from one place to another. Shine et al. 1999 found that Python reticulatus around Palembang, South Sumatra, spawn between September-October; while around Medan, North Sumatra between the months of April-May.

Males and females will fast in the breeding season, so that the body size becomes important here. Females will even continue fasting until the spawn, and may very well until the eggs hatch (McCurley 1999).

Python reticulatus lay between 10 to 100 grains. These eggs 'incubate' at a temperature of 88-90 ° F (31-32 ° C) for 80-90 days, even more than 100 days. Female snake will encircle their eggs while contract. This muscle movements generate heat that will increase the temperature of the eggs a few degrees above the ambient temperature. The females will keep their eggs from predators until they hatch. But only until it alone; once hatched, the babies snake was abandoned and handed over to the fate of nature.

Python reticulatus spread in the jungles of Southeast Asia. Start of Kep. Nicobar, Burma up to Indochina; south through the Malay Peninsula to Sumatra, Borneo, Java, Nusa Tenggara (to the East), Sulawesi; and north to the Philippines (Murphy and Henderson 1997).

Python reticulatus has three subspecies. Besides M.r. reticulatus living widespread, two more are Mr. jampeanus limited spread on the island and Mr Land Jampea saputrai limited spread in Selayar. Both off the south coast of South Sulawesi. 

 Python reticulatus live in the forests of the humid tropics (Mattison, 1999). This snake is dependent on the availability of water, so often found not far from bodies of water such as rivers, ponds and swamps.

Its main food is small mammals, birds and reptiles such as lizards. Small snakes prey on frogs, lizards and fish. Large snakes reported prey dogs, monkeys, wild boar, deer, even humans who stray into place waiting for prey (Mattison 1999, Murphy and Henderson, 1997, Shine et al. 1999). These snakes prefer to wait rather than actively hunting, perhaps because of its large size spent a lot of energy.

Melilitnya paralyzed prey with hard (constricting) to smother her. Some of the bones in the circumference of the chest and pelvis may be broken by it. Then, after the death of prey swallowed from his head.

After eating, especially after swallowing large prey, the snake will be fasting a few days to a few months until he is hungry again. A python kept in Regent's Park in 1926 refused to eat for 23 months, but after that he was normal back (Murphy and Henderson 1997).

Phylogenetic studies Latest getting the results are astonishing, that the pythons Flower and pythons Timor turned out closer to the Australasian genus python Python compared with true lain.Sehingga pythons Flower and pythons Timor included in a new genus, namely Broghammerus. However, in 2013-2014, the scientists conducted DNA studies again until the snake was included in a new genus again, namely Malayopython.

Python and Humans 
 Python-particularly the kecil-- often kept people because it is relatively benign and beautiful skin. Folk performances, such as the monkey, pythons often bring a flower that has been tame for display. Local circus also sometimes carry large pythons to display or leased to be photographed.

Python many people hunted for their skins are beautiful and good quality. More than 500,000 pieces of leather Python reticulatus trafficked each year. Most of the skins are exported from Indonesia, the main source of Sumatra and Borneo. All are caught in the wild.

Clearly python hunting is very worrying because reducing the wild population. Records of arrests commercial snake in Sumatra found that Python reticulatus arrested size varies between 1 m to 6 m, with an average size of 2.5 m for males and females between 3.1 m (Medan) - 3.6 m (Palembang). Approximately one third of females caught in a state of reproductive (Shine et al. 1999). Until now, this snake has not been reserved. CITES (Convention of trade endangered wildlife) put it in Appendix II.

Maintenance of Flower Python (Python Reticulatus)

                                  Maintenance of Flower Python (Python Reticulatus)

For those readers who keep reptiles certainly would know Retic. This snake species known as Retic or Python reticulatus. Retic included in the python family. The whole family can not have a large python. They kill their prey by means wrapped around the body of its prey until it runs out of breath. Retic recorded as the largest snake in the world. The average length of an adult Retic is 5-7 meters. The size of the Retic can kill adult alone with the coil.

Retic often encountered by the public. Characteristic of this snake is coraknya pretty enough. At the back there is a series of black colored patterns that form various patterns. Some are round like a series of chain, there is also a box like diamonds cards, and many other forms that extends from the neck to the tail. The side of this snake is yellow and decorated in shades of silvery gray. Batik pythons name itself because seeing this sampinya side which looks like a painting batik uniform.

Retic often found inside the house or yard citizens. This snake habitat include very felksibel. He can live in the lush rain forest, scrub, grassland, and even sewer drains near human settlements. These snakes are also often found near water sources. Basically Retic like a warm but humidity levels high. Therefore, these snakes often enter human homes because many places favored by this snake.

This snake is not recommended for those who are just starting maintain reptile. Why? These snakes include the type of large snakes. In addition the level of aggressiveness and appetite is quite high. If you find a benign Retic must have been through the process of domestication and intense interaction with humans. Retic is a snake who rely on the strength of winding and very strong jaws. For the snake obtained the catch is usually going to be very fierce. Also usually tend to hunger strike in a period of time long enough.

Retic including snakes that live above ground (terrestrial). Cage-shaped fitting is expanded and widened, not rising. Good cage is the snake can stretch his body a minimum of 2/3 of his body. There must be adequate ventilation because Retic has quite pungent aroma of urine. For regular use pedestal base enclosure newspaper. There is also the use of wood chips or wood shavings. Cages used can make your own or buy your own. But for the sake of practicality most hobbyists use perforated box containers sides with solder for breath and ventilation holes.

Retic including eating everything. Ranging from mice, rabbits, guinea pigs, chickens, and even beef could be his diet. Appetite Retic including number one when compared with other snakes. It is not rare Retic dubbed the dustbin which means it can enter anything into his stomach. For the snake still bis alangsung baby rats fed young mice (jumper). Advice from me not too much to eat as a child. Because it is feared will vomit. Feeding intensity and quantity often much will only make you into a great fast Retic. Keep in mind you maintain both the animals is not only one or two years. You should be responsible for taking care of this snake until he grows up. Feed for the large snake on top of one meter could give a rat or guinea pig. As for Retic that has entered the adult size (3 meters and above) provide feed in the form of chicken or rabbit.

Retic handling affairs becoming a very important thing considered. Retic including wild animals and unpredictable. Besides the power Retic also worthy of consideration because energy is quite large and drain our energy. Make sure before you handle snakes should be in state hands washed. For feared if our hands are not clean, especially after feeding, the snake will strike your hands because you think your hand is food. The key point is that you should be confident and calm. Let the snake trust you and consider you as a threat.